Where to find our dealers
Multi Dealer Shops That GCADA Members Sell At:
Christina's Antiques
Christina Champion, Proprietor
Open Shop by chance or appointment
12786 Upton Road
Red Creek, New York 13143
offers online sales by contacting Christina
Facebook: Christina's Antiques
Email: christinasantiques@gmail.com
Duane Watson, Proprietor
shop online 24/7
Website: www.docscrocks.com
Facebook: Docs Crocks
Pinterest: Doc's Crocks - Anitque Stoneware
Yelp: www.yelp.com Doc's Crocks - Ashland, OH
Email: duanefwatson@docscrocks.com
Ponzi's Antiques
Paul & Connie Polce, Proprietors
9838 Congress St. EXT.
Trumansburg, New York 14886
Open Shop Daily 9AM - 5PM. suggest calling in advance, we might be at a show
offers online sales by contacting Paul
Website: www.ponzisantiques.com
Facebook: Ponzis Antiques
Email: ponzis@aol.com
Antiques at the Glencroft
Joe Pelino, Proprietor
Open shop most Saturdays & Sundays - Noon - 4PM; or by chance or appointment - suggest a call in advance
10210 Man St.
Clarence, New York 14031
Website: www.antiquesattheglencroft.com
Facebook: Glencroft Antiques
Email: glencroft@verizon.net
Hartford House Antiques
Steve Sherhag, Proprietor
Open Friday 5PM - 8PM; Saturday, 10AM - 4PM or by appointment
3342 State Rte. 7
Burghill, Ohio 44404
Website: www.hartfordhouse.com
Facebook: Hartford House
Instagram: Steve Sherhag
Strobel's Antiques, LLC
Gerry Strobel and Stephen Duffy, Proprietors
Open Shop: Tuesday through Saturday, 11AM - 5PM; closed Sunday and Monday
5655 Main Street
Williamsville, New York 14221
Website: www.storbelsantiques.com
Facebook: Strobel's Antiques, LLC
Email: stephen@strobelsantiques.com or gerrystrobelsantiques.com
Susan Sauvageau Antiques
Susan Sauvageau, Proprietor
Open by appointment only
61 Fall St.
Seneca Falls, New York 13148
Email: ssauvageau694@gmail.com
315-568-5515; 315-568-2426
Cavern View Antiques
Mara and Jim Kerr, Proprietors
Shop In home by appointment only or shop online 24/7
818 Barnerville Rd.
Howes Cave, New York 12092
Website: www.cavernviewantiques
Facebook: Cavern View Antiques
Instagram: whiteironstoneforsale and cavernviewantiques
Email: jmkerr@midtel.net
518-296-8052; 518-605-0775
Jane Langol Antiques
Jane Langol, Proprietor
shop online 24/7
Website: www.janelangolantiques
Email: jane.langol1@gmail.com
Jeffrey H. Marks Rare Books
Jeffrey H. Marks, Proprietor
45 Exchange Blvd., Suite 701
Rochester, New York 14610
shop online 24/7
Website: www.abebooks.com
585-288-2544; 585-315-6991; 585-232-3464
Ron Korman, Proprietor
150 N. Airport Rd.
Buffalo, New York 14225
Shop open Saturday, 11AM-4PM or by appointment or shop online 24/7
Website: www.muleskinnerantiques.com
Facebook: Muleskinner Antiques
Instagram: Ronald Korman
Yelp: Muleskinner Antiques
Email: muleskinnerantiques@hotmail.com
Private Stock Antiques
Luther Yocum, Proprietor
offers online sales by contacting Luther
Website: www.privatestock-antiques.com
Email: privatestock-antiques.com
Reflections Antiques
Linda Perkins, Proprietor
Shop Open: June-October by chance or by appointment only
Williamson, New York
Email: perkins1@rochester.rr.com
Ontario Mall Antiques
Matt Guche, Proprietor
1740 Rochester Rd.
Farmington, New York 14425
Open daily: 10AM - 6PM
Website: www.ontariomallantiques.com
Facebook: Ontario Mall Antiques
Yelp: Ontario Mall Antiques
Instagram: Ontario Mall Antiques
Email: ontariomall@ontariomallantiques.com
Eastridge Antiques
Matt Guche, Proprietor
1850 East Ridge Road (located in Ridgeview Place)
Rochester, New York 14622
Open daily: 10AM - 6PM
Website: www.eastridgeantiques.con
Facebook: Eastridge Antiques
Instagram: Eastridge Antiques
Dana Tillou Fine Arts
Dana Tillou, Proprietor
686 Lafayette Ave.
Buffalo, New York 14222
Shop Open: Thursday - Saturday, 10AM - 4PM; or by appointment
offers online sales by contacting Dana
Email: dana@danatilloufinearts.com